
CEGEMI researchers from different disciplines have researched a range of health issues, from respiratory diseases over heavy metals intoxication to cogenital neural tube effects and stress.

On 10 November 2022 we organized a seminar on health in ASGM at the Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp, with contributions that give a good, though non exhaustive, overview of this work.

The presentations can be found here:

Health in ASGM_10 nov 2022 Presentation introduction

Health in ASGM_10 nov 2022_Muhanzi et al Responsible technologies

Health in ASGM_10 nov 2022_Geenen et al Women’s health

Health in ASGM_10 nov 2022_Patrick Katoto

Health in ASGM_10 nov 2022_Paterne Safari

Health in ASGM_10 nov 2022_Marijsse Scaphandre or souffleur